A new era for the model of care and attention for Seniors in Badalona (Barcelona).
At Gran3dad, we believe in a revolutionary approach to transforming senior care. And that is precisely what we have achieved alongside the Berllor Residence. After 21 years of evolution and learning in the sector, Berllor has decided to take a bold step towards a profound reinvention, opting for an open, community-based, and experiential model.
The “Berllor, with a B as in Barrio” project has been the culmination of a collective effort, with the purpose of creating a genuine and close experience, both for seniors and the community. Inspired by the surroundings and neighborhood spirit, at Gran3dad, through ®IFEELtheMethod, we have accompanied Berllor in creating a space where life and connections flow organically and authentically.
Opening the doors to the community: We have worked to ensure that Berllor is much more than a care home; it has become a genuine community resource. The doors have been opened to the community, connecting seniors with their surroundings and transforming the way society interacts with and perceives them.
A commitment to public services, without settling for the basics: Berllor offers 61 places, 58 of which are public. This sustained and full availability of places ensures high demand, but Berllor has not limited itself to maintaining a functional and complete system. Despite not needing a comprehensive transformation to keep the places filled, they have chosen to invest in a radical reinvention.
Aligning transformation with the teams: the driving force of change. At Gran3dad, we understand that a true transformation is not just about changing structures or spaces; it requires committed, aligned, and skilled people to bring it to life. That’s why we worked alongside Berllor to integrate this change into their Annual Academy Plan, a key phase in which the teams become the driving force behind the project.
Transforming with purpose. At Gran3dad, we believe that “if we want different results, we must dare to do things differently.” The transformation of Berllor has not just been a physical redesign or an operational improvement, but a profound change in the way care and attention are understood and delivered.

So, why change? After 21 successful years, Berllor realized that what they were doing was no longer enough to meet the demands of the times and the experience that seniors seek. Embracing ®IFEELtheMethod was a commitment to elevate care to a new level—a change that goes beyond merely meeting needs; it’s about enhancing the experience of life, opening up to the world, and connecting more genuinely and sincerely with the community.
Our goal was for each team member to identify with the new vision, helping them relearn the common objective and open their minds to a new way of supporting seniors, moving away from the concept of overcare and focusing on living and letting live. The training that accompanied the “Berllor, with a B as in Barrio” project not only provided them with tools but also a new perspective: shifting from excessive care to real and meaningful support.

Residencia Berllor is now, more than ever, a reflection of the community’s strength. In a world that tends towards isolation, Berllor has returned to the essence of the neighborhood, the people, and authentic relationships. Together with our team at Gran3dad and with the support of the community and the Badalona City Council, we have witnessed how this new model is here to stay.
Thank you to all the colleagues in the sector and to every person who has embraced this new era. Because, as the neighborhood says, “if we’re going to do something, let’s make it big.”
Remember, change starts with you.