The revolution of care homes begins at the Centre Geriàtric Lleida

Despierta en el Mañana con Gran3dad. El futuro no espera.

#ExperienciaInmersiva24H · NUEVA FECHA

The Centre Geriàtric Lleida began its care model transformation in 2022 and has become a benchmark both nationally and internationally. This success is due to its innovative way of providing value to all involved parties: users over 65, families, staff, and society in general.

Since 2022, the care home has received over 330 visits from health and care sector professionals, who rated their first impression with a score of 5/5. This residence, with a total capacity for 91 seniors, and since the implementation of ®IFEEL the Method as the core of the transformation, has maintained an annual occupancy rate of 99.9% since 2022, with a long waiting list.

®IFEELelMétodo transforma de forma exitosa el modelo de cuidado de personas mayores, de la gran edad, en Lleida (Residencia Centre Geriàtric Lleida)

In the face of the national challenge of staff shortages and an absenteeism rate in Spain that averaged 14% in 2023, the Centre Geriàtric Lleida has managed to reduce this metric to an impressive 1.7%. Additionally, it no longer needs HR recruitment campaigns, as it organically attracts talent from all professional profiles. We have established collaboration agreements designed to explore new ways of projecting models and opening minds, with programs in the education sector.

The interior design and remodeling of spaces, including the living units, have directly impacted the sense of belonging among users, their families, and the staff. Additionally, we have designed an intergenerational project for the Centre Geriàtric Lleida as part of the new inter-community portfolio with educational schools, achieving remarkable qualitative indicators in the appreciation and mentorship of seniors by children aged 5 to 16 years.

The goal of the new care model designed for the Centre Geriàtric Lleida is to promote self-determination as a life plan. This approach has allowed for a 10% annual increase in real active aging, aligning the care model with the potential longevity of the population.

Contacta con o llama al +34 698 272 994.

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